Spring Boot RxJava 2

I just do things

Last month the RxJava 2 GA version has been released: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/releases/tag/v2.0.0

The project has been reworked to support the emerging JVM standard: Reactive Streams

Thanks to contribution from Brian Chung the small side project that I have initially authored: https://github.com/jmnarloch/rxjava-spring-boot-starter that adds support for returning the reactive types: Observable and Single from Spring MVC controllers has now support for RxJava2.

While Spring itself will support Reactive Streams mostly through it’s own project Project Reactor. RxJava still will have various support through different project. For instance the latest Spring Data project will allow to design the repositories with build in support for RxJava types

From the API level is the most significant change of the RxJava Spring Boot starter is the package change that nows support types from io.reactivex.* instead of rx.*. Besides that the usage is fairly similar.

Simply add the library to your project:

You can use the RxJava…

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